Tuesday, May 15, 2012


When the Mets announced they had signed Frank Francisco, I was surprised. The former Texas Ranger, then Toronto Blue Jay was a closer, but closers usually stay in one place. He did for 6 seasons at Texas, but then only 1 season with Toronto.

Then once he started to pitch for the Mets, I could see why he didn’t stick, with a high ERA, he is not a Mariana Rivera, more like a batting practice machine.

Inside of 3 days he has coughed up 9th inning leads and blown saves. The Mets lost 2 of 3 to the Miami Marlins, when in fact they should have swept the Marlins. In the National League East, that 2 games lost could mean all the difference for a playoff spot. It is time for Frankie Boy to go.

It is not the pitching results that make me say this, not the point that he blew it with a division rival, that his era is over 6, no it is a more important reason. When you call in a reliever, you expect him to have ice in his veins, an unflappable attitude, a calm and collected presence. If he becomes unsettled with one bad call or pitch, which leads to more bad pitches, and suddenly, every call the umpire makes becomes an issue to the pitcher.

As an admitted Mets fan, it was appalling to watch Frankie Boy blow up and become unraveled. He had an issue with the umpire about what he thought should be called a strike, and then started cursing the ump, and when they took him out, he started jawing the ump, having to be restrained by his manager, coaches and teammates!

Frankie Boy, did you realize how unprofessional you are, that NO TEAM should ever trust you again, and that you are lucky all the childishness didn’t happen in New York? I wonder what awaits you if you return on the mound in CitiField?

It seems the Mets find them OK, there was ‘K’ Rod, who lost it, J.J. Putz, Oliver Perez and the ever popular Guillermo Mota, all making lasting impressions for ineptitude, bad attitude and that non-team spirit.

So Wilpon, Alderson, and Collins, get rid of the bum, NOW!

That’s all I wrote, Folks!


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