Saturday, May 12, 2012


Josh Beckett is a pariah, in the clubhouse, and in the stands.

The fans in Boston have turned it up a notch after his last start. He was scratched in early May because of soreness of a lat muscle in his back, goes out to play golf the next day, and on his next start gets lit up by the Cleveland Indians for 7 runs in 3 innings. Then a few nights ago after this bit of news came out, got lit up again and booed off the mound at Fenway!

Pitchers can have a bad day on occasion, and pitchers can play golf on their off day, so what is all the excitement? Josh Beckett is missing one ingredient in the equation, teamwork. He let his teammates down, he doesn’t take his job seriously, he is being paid $17 million to pitch, not play golf or eat chicken and drink beer in the clubhouse.

It was that kind of dedication that took Terry Francona down, and I really don’t see Bobby Valentine surviving this either, as long as they bring in Josh Becketts into the picture. Maybe it is time for the Sox to clean house from top to bottom in terms of players? The fans deserve better than Josh Beckett.


Texas Rangers pitcher Colby Lewis had a weird dream the other night. He dreamt he was in Baltimore, Camden Yards to be precise, and the first three batters up against him hit consecutive home runs, and the forth batter took him deep. Not only that, but he gave up 5 homers in the game, but struck out 12! That’s a weird dream!

The only thing about that dream is Colby Lewis didn’t dream that, it really happened! It is combining a nightmare with wishful thinking, oil and water, Yankee and Red Sox love fests. It just doesn’t happen!

That’s all I wrote, Folks!


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