Thursday, May 03, 2012


Something must be a little off in St. Louis these days as the Rams selected Janoris Jenkins, a draft pick with a questionable character to play cornerback.

"OK, there's some controversy about this pick, as you know," so stated Jeff Fisher, the man in charge of the draft for the Rams “He is very talented, and he can help us. So we're all on the same page, right?”

Because of the North Alabama cornerbacks reputation, the 32nd overall pick may have gone lower, if it wasn’t for Fisher’s hunch. The former 16 year head coach of the Tennessee Titans.

"This is part of the philosophy I've talked about – build, develop, coach" So everybody in this room who touches this player is going to be part of making him successful. He will be successful." said Les Snead, Fisher's rookie general manager.

When did the NFL become a rehab center for questionable character?


$240 million later and one month into the 2012 season, questions are being raised. What is wrong with homerless Albert Pujols? Is the money too big a pressure or the expectations of the Los Angeles Angels keeping homerless Mr. Pujols from putting one deep? This is the biggest contract out there right now, and it may become the last one that is long term for so much money.  

If you have been following this blog you know how I feel about large long-term contracts. They just don’t fully pay out and the payoff you do get is not what you expected when the contract was signed.

Of course homerless Pujols could awaken from his slumber and go on a tear once he knows the American League a little better. The obscene amount of money he is making becomes more obscene every time he goes to bat and doesn’t deliver, the money diminishes in its returns to the Los Angeles Angels.


I noticed that the Nets, formerly of New Jersey and soon to be from Brooklyn New York are advertising their gear. The stuff could be a big seller with the name ‘Brooklyn’ on it. Coupled with the flat Knocks in the playoff, they could be gathering momentum from the Knicks failure in the playoffs!

Should be interesting to see how they draw, and I think they will. Dolan deserves some hard competition in the pocket book, especially after what he did to the Jets in Manhattan and their having to build a stadium with the Giants in New Jersey.

That’s all I wrote, folks!


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