Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The 2012 season is picking up where the 2011 season left off, for Boston and Red Sox Nation. There is to my way of thinking a Red Sox ‘Notion’ to lose games and to lose them as embarrassing as possible, somewhat like the Mets did for years and revisit every so often.

The interesting thing about these phenomena is the fact that basically, the two teams, the Boston Red Sox of 2011 and 2012 are for the most part the same teams. The only real difference is the manager, Terry Francona out and Bobby Valentine in. If you’ve read my blog of : Tuesday, February 21, 2012, I brought up some interesting questions. “Lester, Beckett and pray for a miracle, the Sox will continue to fall unless they can shore up the pitching, and without it will finish in third once more. Theo Epstein is gone, and it is under his realm that the Sox ended this way, although the new GM has done nothing so far to improve the situation.” This still holds true!

But the fans are making me nuts, they seem t think that all this poor play, the collapse of the Yankee/Red Sox game a few days ago, this season and all of last season’s collapse is on Bobby Valentine’s shoulder. I think they are beating up the wrong guy. If there ever was a manager that doesn’t like to lose, it is Bobby Valentine. As far as great managers go, it is Bobby Valentine, and if any manager could do what needs to be done to right the course, it is Bobby Valentine.

If I were to pick the real culprit for the collapsing of Red Sox Nation he is now settled in Chicago and is trying to rebuild his reputation, one which he built in Boston, then I would pick him, the President of the club, Theo Epstein. It was under his direction that the pitching staff is now composed of high school wanna-be’s. He got out of town just in time, and a great manager in Terry Francona took the fall!

The fans of Boston can boo Bobby V, but that won’t change things, but Bobby V, given a chance; can!

That’s all I wrote, folks!


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