Saturday, April 21, 2012


As a young sports fan back in the 1950’s, Dad would remind me that in April although the baseball season was in full swing, it was too early to get either excited or upset about the Brooklyn Dodgers. He’d say that winning in April wasn’t important as the games in September.

There is some truth to what he said, but overall the wins in April count in September and October. So a win in April becomes important, or otherwise we get like the Hockey season, and it doesn’t matter until the playoffs!

I know a lot of Yankee and Red Sox fans are upset about how their team started off, and the Washington Nationals and Baltimore fans are pumped, but let’s get real, the season is 162 games, as Dad said once, it’s too early.


It’s still a great feat, so you have to hand it to Curtis Granderson when he connected not once, but three times for homers, and went 5-5 for the game against the Twins! When you think about how hard it is to hit a baseball that is traveling at 90 to 96 mph, dipping and sliding and what have you, three homers is incredible! So if you hit it in the spring in game 1 or in the fall in game 162, kudos.


For the second time in two years, the Knicks are in the playoffs. They have not won a playoff game in their last 10 decisions, falling last year to the Celtics in four straight games. This year they face either the Bulls or the Heat, and their task is tough, particularly if it is Chicago! Can they at least win one game this playoff?

If you have Lin, Stoudemire and the rest of the crew back, amazing things can happen with Woodson running the show. I wouldn’t bet on it, but I wouldn’t be that surprised either if they survive the first round.


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