Saturday, December 17, 2011


Here are my weekly picks for this upcoming NFL Weekend:
Cowboys, Giants, Packers, Seahawks, Texans, Dolphins, Titans, Bengals, Saints, Raiders, Cardinals, Patriots, Eagles, Ravens, 49er’s

A few limbs I’m going out on, nothing is really predictable at this time of the year.


Losing streaks are a common thing in sports. Teams measure losing streaks by games and sometimes even series. It seems the NY Islanders measure their losing streaks in years. When will it ever end? How much more will the fans want to tolerate? They have been rebuilding for years, had some great promises and still languish in last place! They may threaten to move to Kansas City, but will Kansas City really want them? If they do move, they should put a little announcement in the local papers so someone will know they are gone.


So Sam Hurd, who makes $5.1Million a year has to resort to selling drugs and being a supplier for other players around the league, but after all, he needs to make ends meet.

I for one am sick of these crazy salaries that drive the price of seeing a game sky high, and don’t leave much room for any enjoyment in sports anymore.

With the free agency world, the idea that owners should share with the players and the concept of player unions entrenched in the mix makes for a very potent situation for the life of sports.

You can’t take you child or grandchild to a game anymore, because it is so expensive, it drives the parking and concessions even higher, and the guys who make all this obscene money, can’t even count for the most part, and couldn’t tell you if millions is more than thousands. Yet they do know their drugs, and the sad part is we set up testing for drugs for millionaires!

My feeling is they should throw out all the unions, all the free agency and start all over, make baseball, or football or basketball, or even hockey a game. We can even call it a sport if you will, and get ride of all the crybabies that now play it, and make sure that there is loyalty to the fans and the owners, that the game stays a game. The owners need to adjust their priorities and be loyal to their customers, not be greedy, as greedy as they were when they caused whole franchises to move, or keep on jacking up prices for bad products.


Travis Outlaw
The Knicks almost got it done, but not quite. The missed on Crawford and Williams and now need a plan ‘C’ I think. Maybe there is SOMEBODY that will be willing to come off the bench for the Knicks and spell relief.

I did suggest Baron Davis, and if not, maybe Mo Evans or Travis Outlaw?



GM Billy King keeps his options open for cap space and Dwight Howard, as he cleans house and tries to build a lineup that will take over New York basketball.

On his wish list is starting forwards Andrei Kirilenko, and Kris Humphries, while exercising their amnesty clause by shedding Travis Outlaw, and about $28 Million in cap space. Ideally, they the Nets would like to trade for Howard, but will be willing to try through free agency next year.


Barry Bonds may never play for the New York Yankees, but there is a chance he will be in pin stripes. Yes those thick pin stripes of a prison uniform!

Yesterday he stood before U. S. District Court Judge Susan Illston, to find out if he will be fitted for the new uniform. In April he was convicted of obstruction of justice in the Balco case about trafficking of steroids.

Enough has been written about Bonds, and the case, and now the judge will put it to bed finally.

On his website he wrote:
“April 29, 2011
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my fans from all over the world who have sent me messages of love, support and prayers during this difficult time in my life. As a San Francisco Bay Area native growing up playing little league and going on to play for my hometown team, I have been especially overwhelmed by the support I have received in my hometown and it is hard for me to put my gratitude into words. To all my fans in the Bay Area, I simply say "I am humbled" and "I thank you" from the bottom of my heart. I have always drawn my strength from God, family, friends and my supportive fans - and this time was no different.
I look forward to entering the next phase of my life and giving back to the community that has given me so much.
God Bless and Go Giants!
Barry Bonds “


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