Thursday, January 12, 2012


The poop hit the fan, and now it is flying about! The New York media is reporting that some players on the New York Jets want Sanchez replaced. They want him out, gone, as in disappear.

Marked Sanchez
Seems that Mark is rubbing some of the players the wrong way, especially since they missed the playoffs. The issues are his treatment as a prima donna, being babied by the Jets, and his ‘lazy’ work ethic. Many of the players say that he is too complacent about his job, and does not prepare well before each game. That plus many are stating that he is not mentally equipped, that he can’t understand some of the game plan and goes into games unprepared because he is confused. They cite his interceptions and fumbles and are questioning his leadership abilities.

I have a suggestion to those players.

Before you look into someone else’s sins, look inward first.

Much of the problem with Sanchez was not his doing. The offensive line play was indeed offensive. All too often the defensive opponents managed to go around the offense to get to Mark Sanchez. The offensive line offered no protection for the young quarterback.

Maximum Rex Ryan
Let’s face it, if you are a quarterback, especially one with a coach with a big mouth, people are gunning for you, they want your head if possible. You go into a huddle with no confidence in your offensive protection and you get smacked around, you become jittery, you lose faith in the scheme of things, you falter.

What we have here is a classic example of players who dropped the ball themselves and don’t want to take responsibility because they stunk, so the obvious target is the quarterback!

Here is a guy who took the team to two straight playoff championship games, and suddenly he is not equipped to lead the team? Who are we kidding? Point the finger in the mirror and correct what is really wrong, your own shoddy play!

Sadtonio Holmes
When I see a Santonio Holmes hot dogging it in the end zone after he finally catches a ball thrown his way, and his team is in such a deep hole, then decides he is unhappy and sulks, that is a problem. Go after that kind of thinking. When a linesman blows his assignment, and causes a hurried throw that leads to an interception, that is cause to be alarmed, or when you have an offensive coordinator who runs it up the middle on a 3rd and 25, start reassign the blame and grow up.


As I wrote on December 13th in this space:


It’s quite simple. Don’t use illegal performance enhancing drugs AND play for a major league baseball club. Ryan Braun knew that, won a title and was tested and found that he broke the rules. He is appealing the findings. No player has ever won that appeal, what makes him think he should? He won the National League Most Valuable Player award. In my opinion, they should strip him of the title, and award it to the runner up. 50 game suspensions are fine, but they are cheating a ballclub, an owner who pays in good faith, and teammates that rely on Braun to do his job. No matter how good he is, he will always be under suspicion and tainted as a drug user.”

What I wrote still goes! When will the powers that be step forward and defend the integrity of the game?

Lyan Braun
If drug testing is put into place, it must be there for a reason, no? What does it mean if we find the MVP has used steroids, and we still award him the MVP? If nothing happens, then why bother with the testing?

Ryan Braun was found using enhancement, which is against the rules. He didn’t play fairly, look to gain at someone else’s expense and screwed up the records, because he invalidated his season. Take the award away from him. Now. Go through the process once more and give it to a more deserving player. Now! Make the award have meaning, don’t make it cheapened by someone who cheats.



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