Wow, but it really was a stinker! I watched the Yankees take on the Texas Rangers, and did they explode, spewing carnage all over the field! Trouble is the Yankee pride was what exploded. Botched play in a run down, no pitching and in spite of no errors, no fielding to speak of cost the New Yorkers dearly.
Are the Yankees too old now? Is the team they have on the field and the one in the trainer’s room or on the Disabled List too old? Have they relied too heavily on free agency rather than development? I can’t believe that they are, I think that the team that had the best record in baseball last season can’t be this lousy. I feel it is early in the season, and that tweaking, getting on track is needed and too much of a comfort zone with the manager along with no relief pitching are the culprits.
BOLD PREDICTION: Joe Torre is gone by September!
I was thinking back to when Hank Aaron was making his run for the Babe Ruth lifetime homer record, and how the nation was behind this fine gentleman in his quest, and how today with Barry Bonds looking to do it and the nation is at least divided 50-50 about wanting his arrogance to do it. The game of baseball is not only a game of inches, but of records and breaking them and knowing they all will be broken at one time or another, but also when someone of Bond’s ilk makes a run for it; it saddens and cheapens the whole process.
Until next time…
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