Sunday, June 03, 2012


Is the use of an umpire behind the plate really necessary? Often and at least once a game they miss the call, an argument ensues and someone gets tossed. Umpires get a reputation for calling the high strike, the low strike, and have a style they use to call the pitch.

If you are going to have an unbiased decision after every pitch, the strike zone should be he same for all batters. The issue of rookies not getting or veteran pitchers getting a call that could go one way or another is totally unfair to the game.

There are too many umpires already, they sit on the bench, stand in the batter’s box and play the field. The worst job in baseball is umpiring, and the worst umpiring job is behind the plate.

Recently there was the issue of a catcher having to “earn the right “of throwing in a new baseball to the pitcher. Clearly this is ridiculous and unprofessional.

But is instant replay the answer? Not really, not behind the plate, because you still have to stop the game, look at the pitch, analyze it, then call it and restart the game. Then the question becomes when do you use instant replay to call a pitch, the third strike, ball four?

But what if the plate umpire wasn’t behind the plate, but up in the booth looking at two monitors. One camera would be from centerfield and one behind the catcher high in the upper deck to monitor the strike zone? He could then call a more accurate game, no pressure or arguments and it’s fair for everyone.

That’s all I wrote, Folks!


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