Tuesday, May 29, 2012


What ever happened to the doubleheader? The Mets brought back their Banner Day, but somehow it didn’t feel right. It needed to be sandwiched between two games like it used to be.


It seems like the NFL has gone to great lengths to create rules that protect the quarterback. With all the safeguards in place to keep the quarterback whole: pretty soon he won’t need pads and helmet. I recall the days when the helmets were made of leather, and they didn’t have face guards.


Should be an interesting matchup, and I look forward to seeing what becomes of the Heat. If they can’t win this series, will they start to break up as a unit?

But the man, point guard Rondo is arguable the quickest and fastest PG in the league and is right up there in steals. Rondo is an excellent passer who can set up for Pierce, Allen, Bass and Garnett in the post.

In the 76er’s series, he was Mr. Clutch, setting the tone and stage for the 7th game victory the Celtics had to have. But then, he did that pretty much throughout the playoffs.


Manu Ginobili scored 26 points as the Spurs won their 19th in a row - tying the NBA record for the longest winning streak so far in the playoffs – in a come from behind: fourth quarter victory to beat the Oklahoma City Thunder 101-98 in Game 1! It is one series I would not go out on a limb to predict the outcome of.


Thanks to Mark Teixeira ignoring the old adage that it is better to make contact than to swing for the fences. In the last two games since he changed his mind about hitting style, and has hit 3 homers as of this writing, resulting in Yankee wins.  

Hope your holiday weekend was good.

That’s all I wrote, folks!


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